SQL Commands and Functions
Modifies an existing table. You can modify the name, type, precision, scale, null value support, and referential integrity rules for each field in the table.
- Creates a temporary table. Each field in the temporary table is defined with a name, type, precision, scale, null value support, and referential integrity rules. These definitions can be obtained from the command itself or from an array.
- Displays the View Designer, allowing you to create an SQL view.
- Creates a table. Each new table field is defined with a name, type, precision, scale, null value support, and referential integrity rules. These definitions can be obtained from the command itself or from an array.
- DELETE - SQL Command
- Marks records in a table for deletion using SQL syntax.
- INSERT - SQL Command
- Appends a new record to the end of an existing table. The new record contains data listed in the INSERT command or from an array.
- SELECT - SQL Command
- Specifies the criteria on which a query is based and issues the query. Visual FoxPro interprets the query and retrieves the specified data from the table(s). The SELECT command is built into Visual FoxPro like any other Visual FoxPro command. You can create a SELECT command query in these areas:
- In the Command window.
- In a Visual FoxPro program (like any other Visual FoxPro command).
- In the Query Designer.
- SQL Pass-Through Foundation Class
- Makes it possible for you to execute stored procedures on a host database such as Microsoft SQL Server.
- SQLCANCEL( ) Function
- Requests cancellation of an executing SQL statement
- SQLCOLUMNS( ) Function
- Stores a list of column names and information about each column for the specified data source table to a Visual FoxPro cursor.
- SQLCOMMIT( ) Function
- Commits a transaction.
- SQLCONNECT( ) Function
- Establishes a connection to a data source.
- Terminates a connection to a data source.
- SQLEXEC( ) Function
- Sends an SQL statement to the data source, where the statement is processed.
- SQLGETPROP( ) Function
- Returns current or default settings for an active connection.
- Copies another result set to a Visual FoxPro cursor if more result sets are available.
- SQLPREPARE( ) Function
- Prepares an SQL statement for remote execution by SQLEXEC( ).
- SQLROLLBACK( ) Function
- Cancels any changes made during the current transaction.
- SQLSETPROP( ) Function
- Specifies settings for an active connection.
- Establishes a connection to a data source through a connection string.
- SQLTABLES( ) Function
- Stores the names of tables in a data source to a Visual FoxPro cursor.
- UPDATE - SQL Command
- Updates records in a table. The records can be updated based on the results of a SELECT - SQL statement.